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Spiderflower is a unique and powerful practice. 

This guidance is to provide clarity for participants on Spiderflower's

approach and the expectations held.


  • Registration & Entry:  All participants must REGISTER for courses prior to entry on health and safety grounds.


  • Theatre: First and foremost, the work follows the etiquette and approach that you would normally find within a professional theatrical environment.  Actors work hard, there is a great dedication toward and love of the work - disicipline is key.  If you are not from a theatre background and are attending courses for CREATIVES or OPEN CLASSES it is important participants understand and respect these roots.


  • Pathwork, Research & Preparation: This is an important element within Spiderflower. For courses longer than 1 Day, pathwork is usually given as part of the course material in preparation, so on entering the work space they are ready to engage on a more precise level - this helps participants get the very most out of the work.  Participants who choose to undergo long term training with Spiderflower will be expected to undertake extensive research​ in connection with on-going projects.


  • Approach & Ettiquette: Spiderflower works to high artistic standards. We approach Spiderflower as a fine art, working with the etiquette that we are in service to an audience, regardless of whether there is one present or not. The work is performance led, with a strong element within the work around quality, precision and artistry so our level of attention is high. Although hugely beneficial as a form of self development, Spiderflower does not favour an approach where focus is solely on the 'I' or the 'self'. It is not a therapy form. It is expected participants approach the work with a willingness to expand their own skill base and is normal practice for the tutor to intervene in order to deepen the skill of the participant. Participants then need to expect and be comfortable with this.


  • Focus & Previous Practice:  Although there may be similarities with other dance or theatre forms through improvised approach or earth based interest - Spiderflower is unlike any other modality of dance movement theatre. The space is held with openness, generosity of spirit and it is my intention is to facilitate immense freedom where participants can explore deeply and take risks. However, that freedom is found through the structures, disciplines and techniques Spiderflower works through. Freedom and form are equal to each other. Participants are requested to 'let go' of specific forms already practiced, to 'empty out' so they can hear and be open to focus on the work at hand.  This is not to lessen any form you are practiced within, or that you love. Spiderflower's work is about striping back to a certain level of transparency, deepening the root and organicity within movement - techniques are there to help you with this.​


  • Health + Safety + Your Own Limits:  The work can be demanding. Spiderflower is careful to guide and place participants appropriately at registration, but ultimately it is important individual participants communicate their own needs and level of experience prior to starting any course. During training you are the best person to know your limits, are asked to exercise self-care and work within your own boundaries.​​


  • Drugs & Alcohol:  Absolutely no drugs or alcohol in or around the work. If participants are suspected of being under the influence then they will be asked to leave session immediately or the work entirely.


  • Pets:  No dogs or pets in the workspace or on site.  


  • Children:  Adult sessions run from a minimum age of 18+.  Please do not bring children in unless this is clearly stated as acceptable and permissions are cleared on the specific course you wish to attend.  If in doubt, please check.


  • Terms of Use:  Please ensure you have read, understood and agree to Spiderflower's T+C's.  Go HERE for detail.


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